"Smart Chimp" (2014) is a story by my spoken-word/band project Amusia. It screened in a number of venues including the Coney Island Film Festival and the Berkeley Video and Film Festival.

An animated comedy song from Amusia's 2011 album "The 10-Year Retrospective Debut EP Box Set".

Requires no explanation.

Animated music video for the Big Bob's Farm Song "Too Much Chicken (Too Little Time)", (c) 1994.

From "Love the One You Whip", a sketch comedy program performed in the San Francisco Fringe Festival, Sep. 2009.

A pickle and a tomato engage in a pitched theological debate.

Pickle's Day Out appeared in the 2002 Spike & Mike Sick and Twisted Film Festival, and was featured in the Spike & Mike DVD "Full Frontal".


Last year (2017) I had the pleasure of contributing to three political satire films produced by my friends at Advantage Personal Hygiene. Click through here to the group's facebook page.


Part One of the Marine Mammal Opus! I animated this song by Ariela Morgenstern, before she married me, as a sort of 2011 Valentine's Day gift.


A terrifically funny and utterly hilarious song by my spoken-word/band project Amusia.